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Sound Power (ISO3741)

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Sound Power Measurement by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH

Multi-Channel Instrument + SAMURAI + Option: Live Sound Power

Reverberation Chamber Method

The SAMURAI Live Sound Power Option enables the real-time display of sound power levels based on simultaneous sound level measurements around a source using the reverberation chamber method according to ISO 3741.

The Live Sound Power Option allows the user to determine Sound Power from measured overall, or 1/3 octave sound levels.

The Live Sound Power Option allows for extensive, flexible, experimental and/or adaptive sound measurement  setups. The user is required to have a thorough understanding of the Standard for the setup of the measurement.

The Live Sound Power Option enables full control during every phase of the sound power measurement and determination.

The live data view show how changes to the source sound emissions affect the sound power levels in real time.

Measurements can be split up into several parts; using post processing the sound power determination can also be calculated at the end of the measurements.

Typical results include Level values and spectrum values, as shown below:

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