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Low Cost One-Third Octave Noise Logger + Audio

TA150 Noise Logger + Noise Platform Cloud Software CESVA Instruments Monitors overall and one-third octave noise levels (frequency weighting A, C and Z and times weighting (F, S, I, max and peak). Class 1. Audio. Communication (Ethernet, Wi-Fi +others).Outdoor microphone kit

Low Cost SHM Vibration Logger

Structural Health Monitoring SYSCOM Instruments Tri-axial MEMS accelerometer , +3g measuring range, 0-200Hz frequency range, low noise, cloud software, >87 dB dynamic range, LTE Mobile network, time synchronisation

Vibration Analysis Logger (OMA)

Structural Health Monitoring SYSCOM Instruments Tri-axial Quartz crystal accelerometer , +14g measuring range, 0-200Hz frequency range, ultra-low noise, cloud software, >139 dB dynamic range, LTE Mobile network, time synchronisation

MRI and CT/PET Scan Vibration Monitoring

MRI and CT/PET Scan machines at a Queensland hospital are being protected from excessive vibration by SYSCOM loggers during construction. Safety vibration limits are specified as acceleration levels or velocity VC Curves. The SYSCOM ultra-low noise ground vibration logger and the SYSCOM MR3003C logger have very low noise floors and provide instantaneous notifications to construction…

Combined Noise and Dust Monitoring DM30NSitesens

Measure boundary noise and air quality levels in a single station in real. Time with automated compliance checks. Monitor Leq, L05, L10, L50, L90,L95 and Lmax Measure PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 simultaneously Audio capture option for source identification Frequency analysis option – 1/1 or 1/3 octaves

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