Noise Analysis + Reporting Software
Noise Works for Windows Software by Spectra
Post-Processing and Reporting Software for Multi-Channel Data Acquisition Systems
Noise & Vibration Works for Windows software from Spectra, called NWWin, provides a powerful post-processing tool for the analysis and reporting of comprehensive sound and vibration measurement data. NWWin is a Windows program designed for the processing of data from sound and vibration measurements, including analysis and documentation of measurement results together with a convenient report generator. NWWin can be applied for a wide range of measuring instruments, from ordinary sound level meters to multi-channel measurement data acquisition systems and analyzers.
For the generation of reports, NWWin conforms to the same user interface philosophy as other Windows programs. Pictures and texts can conveniently be imported via the clipboard. NWWin contains a wide range of functions for drawing and designing documents.
The user has virtually unlimited possibilities for the design of test reports, measurements protocols etc. NWWin also performs various mathematical operations with the measurement data. The measurement data can, for instance, be converted using calibration factors or be analyzed with statistical methods. The subsequent conversion of frequency weightings and an offsetting of measurement data from different measurement channels or measuring instruments are also possible. The editing function for signals allows predictions of possible influences on the calculation results under modified conditions. NWWin can be used not only for the analysis of simple processes such as the conversion of levels, but also for complex analysis operations such as sound field calculations.
NWWin can also be used to archive large quantities of measurement data and to compare results of different measurements. The data is always stored in a special format. These files contain both the results for the graphical display as well as the complete measurement data and allow further processing without a loss of information. They can be exported and imported conveniently.
The SAMURAI and NWWin software packages are designed to co-operate optimally on all the multi-channel instruments manufactured by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH.. The measurement data from SAMURAI can be passed directly to NWWin. SAMURAI can be started directly from NWWin via function key. Both programs can run simultaneously on all SINUS multi-channel instruments.
Among the wide variety of functions provided by NWWin the following are of particular interest regarding the interaction with SAMURAI:
- Display of measurement results from different windows in individual diagrams
- Time-cursor coupling between diagrams
- Time domain analysis of the acoustic level measurements
- Calculations of measurement quantities in user-defined time bases and periods
- Conversion of emission levels to emission levels
- Simultaneous display of comparison graphs in a single diagram
- Replay and analysis of recorded audio signals
- Calculation of averaged spectra in 1/3 octaves and 1/1 octaves
- Multi-spectral analysis of 1/3 octaves in various display modes
- Calculation of results and display as diagram or table
NWWin is the ideal complement to SINUS multi-channel instruments + SAMURAI. A single license includes the installation of NWWin on the instrument and a further PC.
Measurement data originating from devices which are not directly supported by NWWin can be processed with NWWin after the data has been converted
NWWin opt: Audio | Import and export of audio data. |
NWWin opt: Events | Detection and identification of events in the time history. |
NWWin opt: Maps | Color mapping of sound pressure and intensity spectra over partial surfaces. |
NWWin opt: PASS-BY | Reports for measurements according to ISO 362. |