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Sound Contour Mapping Software

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Sound Map Software by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH

Data Acquisition System + Sound Intensity Probe + SAMURAI Software + Option: Sound Map

Sound intensity probes may be connected to the Soundbook/NoisePAD/Apollo or Apollo Lite multi-channel data acquisition systems using SAMURAI software, plus Sound Intensity options, plus Sound Map Option, or the SMT MATLAB Toolbox, all by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH.

In addition to the basic SAMURAI software, the Sound Intensity SAMURAI Option: Sound Map, is necessary for sound intensity measurements and analysis which includes sound intensity contour mapping.

Screenshots and descriptions of the software options are provided below:

The “SAMURAI option: Sound Map” enables sound-mapping of objects simply by means of an intensity probe, or microphone.

During the intensity measurement on an imaginary surface, the position of the moving intensity probe is captured with a camera. The user has to define the points of the sweep of the probe on the video image in post processing.

The following SAMURAI options required for sound intensity contour mapping are:

  • SAMURAI opt. sound intensity
  • SAMURAI opt. sound map
  • SAMURAI opt. noise cam

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