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Sound Transmission Loss Testing

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Wall, Ceiling, Doors and Floors

Multi-Channel Measurement System + SAMURAI Software + SAMBA Software option by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH + Microphones


Laboratory or field in-situ testing of sound transmission through walls, doors, ceilings and floors, as well as floor impact isolation, may be conducted in accordance with a range of international standards using a multi-channel measurement system plus SAMURAI software, including the Building Acoustics (SAMBA) Software Option. The multi-channel measurement system may include the SoundBook or NoisePAD, or the Expander/Apollo/Apollo Lite Boxes plus laptop, all by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH.

Field of Application:

The transmission of sound through various constructions or construction details are important properties to quantify when specifying and testing the acoustical properties of rooms, dividing walls, ceilings and floors; various construction elements, such as windows and doors, as well as building materials.

The SAMURAI Building Acoustics (SAMBA) Software Option is used to measure sound transmission between adjacent spaces from which airborne and impact sound insulation indices and ratings may be determined.


Apart from reverberation time measurements (which are already included in the basic SAMURAI acoustic software bundle), the Building Acoustics (SAMBA) Software Option enables the source, receiving and background noise spectra to be measured and the data organized into a format suitable for analysis according to the standard selected. The measurements and reporting functions are integrated in the software into a cohesive and clear user interface. The excitation of the rooms can be performed with noise, impulse or sine sweep signals played through a suitable amplifier and speaker system.


Measurement range

50 Hz to 5 kHz

Software overview

  • Clear navigation including status display
  • Management of source/receiving rooms and transmission paths
  • Management of additional information such as manufacturer, operator, company, address, description, building volumes, areas etc.
  • Selectable frequency ranges (100 … 3150 Hz or 50 … 5000 Hz)
  • Measurement of reverberation time spectra EDT, RT15, RT20, RT30; automatic or manual fitting of linear approximations to level decay curves, backward integration selectable
  • Averaging of results from selected positions and measurements
  • Usage of internal or external signal generators
  • Flexible creation of measurement reports according to standards
  • Export and printing of the results


The SAMURAI Building Acoustics(SAMBA) Software Option enables building acoustics measurements to be conducted in strict conformance to the standards listed below.

ISO 16283-1: Acoustics – Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 1: Airborne sound insulation (ISO 16283-1:2014)

ISO 16283-2: Acoustics – Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 2: Impact sound insulation

ISO 16283-3: Acoustics – Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 3: Façade sound insulation

ISO 10140-2: Acoustics – Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements – Part 2: Measurement of airborne sound insulation

ISO 10140-3: Acoustics – Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements – Part 3: Measurement of impact sound insulation

ISO 140-3: Laboratory measurements, airborne sound insulation of building elements

ISO 140-4: Field measurements, airborne sound insulation between rooms

ISO 140-5: Field measurements, airborne sound insulation of facades

ISO 140-6: Laboratory measurements, impact sound insulation of floors

ISO 140-7: Field measurements, impact sound insulation of floors

ISO 140-8: (Laboratory measurements, reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor coverings

ISO 717-1: Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 1: Airborne sound insulation

ISO 717-2: Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Part 2: Impact sound insulation

ISO 3382: Acoustics – Measurement of room acoustic parameters – Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms

DIN 4109-11: Sound insulation in buildings – Part 11: Verification of sound insulation – Quality and suitability testing

ASTM E90: Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements

ASTM E336: Standard Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound Attenuation between Rooms in Buildings

ASTM E966: Standard Guide for Field Measurements of Airborne Sound Insulation of Building Facades and Facade Elements

ASTM E492: Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine

ASTM E1007: Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Tapping Machine Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies and Associated Support Structures

Further details are provided on the SINUS Messtechnik GmbH website:

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