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Whole Body Vibration in Mobile Equipment – Analysing Operator WBV


Soundbook/NoisePAD/Apollo Box/Apollo Lite + Tri-Axial Seatpad Accelerometer by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH

Analysing Operator WBV

Whole body vibration levels may be measured using all of the multichannel data acquisition systems by SINUS Messtechnik GmbH, plus a tri-axial seatpad accelerometer and software as follows:

  • Hardware includes: Soundbook 4 or 8ch, NoisePAD, Apollo or Apollo Lite Boxes plus laptop
  • Tri-axial Seatpad accelerometer
  • Software: SAMURAI 4or 8ch plus Option: HVMA

Option: SAMURAI NoiseCam, to record synchronised video footage using a webcam during the measurement

Option: Additional single axis accelerometer in fourth channel to simultaneously monitor floor vibration level to derive the difference between the seat and the floor vibration levels.

The calculated WBV dose value may be shown directly on the screen in real-time and saved in a measurement file which may be reviewed and replayed later for either further analysis, or for incorporation into reports.

The WBV vibration levels may also be displayed as one-third octave spectra with levels overplotted on standard exposure limit curves, as well as a display that shows both the floor and seat vibration levels on the same plot.


  • Measurement ranges from 0.15 Hz
  • Frequency weightings: Wc, W d, W g, W j, W k, W b, W b_comb, W m, W db, W h, W a, W v
  • Measurement values: instantaneous, exposure, crest, max, min, CF, peak, VDV, MTVV
  • Vector calculation in real-time with axis weightings
  • Additional displays: time signal, third-octave and FFT of the vibration signal as well as acoustic measurement values from the SAMURAI basic functionality
  • Export to Excel, TXT, UFF and NWWin formats
  • Option: video recording with NoiseCAM

Implemented Standards

ISO 8041: Human response to vibration – Measuring instrumentation

ISO 2631: Mechanical vibration and shock – Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration






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