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Workplace Noise Level Recorder


Noise Level Recorder and Relays by CESVA Instruments

Models RS-60 and REL-2

Hearing Protection

The Model RS-60 is an overall noise level logger with a LED indicator of sound limit exceeded, specially designed to aid hearing protection programs, as well as control of human exposure to noise (in factory workshops, machine rooms, processing and manufacturing, etc).

  • Sound level recorder (overall levels only)
  • Rugged external microphone and enclosure
  • Registration of all exceedence incidents
  • Recorder can be completely sealed
  • Adaptable to any kind of regulation
  • Internal Battery
  • Data retrieval by printer and serial connection with PC
  • Controls noise from: establishments with games machines, televisions, workshop and industrial work stations, processing areas

The RS-60 sound level logger measures and records the sound pressure level inside the room in which it is installed. The RS-60 consists of a central recording unit and a microphone.

The programming information and recorded sound levels for up to 60 days remain in the permanent memory and cannot be lost, even if the internal battery runs out.

A luminous remote display (CESVA DL100) may be connected to the RS-60, allowing the measured sound pressure level to be displayed in real-time for the information of workers.

The RS-60 is a small and compact unit, completely sealed and protected against possible manipulation.

The RS-60 features two illuminated indicators, which indicate whether the noise level is less than or greater than the pre-set threshold noise limit.

The addition of the CESVA REL-2 relay box enables the RS-60 to trigger alarms, such as flashing lights or sirens to warn occupants of the area that a noise level exceedance is occurring.

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