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Vibration Analysis Logger (OMA)

Structural Health Monitoring SYSCOM Instruments Tri-axial Quartz crystal accelerometer , +14g measuring range, 0-200Hz frequency range, ultra-low noise, cloud software, >139 dB dynamic range, LTE Mobile network, time synchronisation

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Low Cost SHM Vibration Logger

Structural Health Monitoring SYSCOM Instruments Tri-axial MEMS accelerometer , +3g measuring range, 0-200Hz frequency range, low noise, cloud software, >87 dB dynamic range, LTE Mobile network, time synchronisation

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Low Cost One-Third Octave Noise Logger + Audio

TA150 Noise Logger + Noise Platform Cloud Software CESVA Instruments Monitors overall and one-third octave noise levels (frequency weighting A, C and Z and times weighting (F, S, I, max and peak). Class 1. Audio. Communication (Ethernet, Wi-Fi +others).Outdoor microphone…

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